Thursday, September 11, 2014

Timing of the Week

So, I just got back from school, and I just had a thought.
Usually, Monday and Tuesday go by all sluggish.(which they have.) But for some reason, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are also going by extremely slow. I wonder why. Maybe  it's just because so many good things have been planned for the weekend so that the week just drags on. But if I have something un-fun planned for the weekend, or just don't have anything in general, the second half of the week just zips by without you even realizing it.

Also, guess what? I'm on Google! Somebody Posted a pic of me doing ballet on Google!!!


  1. where where? I want to see that picture !!!!

    1. Well, if you just go on google, and type in my name, you can scroll down and find some small pictures of me doing Giselle.
