Friday, September 26, 2014


I was nominated secretary and had a day off of school on Thursday.
Our inventions project was put off.
Today is Friday!
Who is like, not happy?

I am in the best mood ever right now, though I have reasons, I keep asking myself, WHY?
 Like, you can't just ask yourself, Why aren't I happy? without having something to blow your happiness.
OH. Wait. RIGHT.
Tomorrow I have ballet. It's at ten. WHich means I have to get up early. ON A WEEKEND. WHo wouldn't be unhappy?

Just hate waking up early on a Saturday.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Student Council, and a Little Something Else.

Whew! Just finished my student council speech. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
I'm running for secretary. do you think I would be good for the job? If not, listen to this. I've been wanting to write it down but never got the time.

"Becoming a safety"

Here she was. Mrs.Urich, her sandals walking in a brisk, business like way. Safety info time! Finally!
I had wanted to be a safety ever since I saw one. Tall, towering fifth graders, with their bold orange belts. They had the authority equal to the teachers, yelling after kids who ran,"Walk, please!" They stared at kids fooling around, and enforced the rules on the sidewalks. Oh man, I was more than ready to be one!

Saturday, September 20, 2014


Sometimes, I just don't have time to do anything anymore. I got art lessons, chinese yoyo lessons, piano lessons, violin, and ballet. I just gotta do it all in 7 days. Is that even possible?
Also, I noticed that my mom is always lamenting that i never, ever practice violin, but is always telling me to practice piano. It just doesn't make sense.

Also, FERK you tyler!!!!! Your face is CRUD!!!!!!!!( i had to write them in a non explicit way, so that I wouldn't get in trouble.)

Does anybody else, just seriously HATE their siblings right now? I'd like to take this fist, and smash it through his FACE!


Monday, September 15, 2014


 These days, the teachers give you out SO much homework. I wonder why. Is it just because you're in a higher grade level? Or is it just because you're smart. Like I can imagine that just because I'm in 6th grade math, it's harder to understand, so they give you more class work, and homework.

In the middle school, they give you study hall, to do your homework. I'll bet it's easier that way. The first day my brother came home, my mom asked if he had homework, and he said,"nope, finished it all in 8th period." Wow, that's lucky. Now he doesn't have homework, and he doesn't have to worry about  it for the rest of the day. It's a shame elementary school doesn't give out a period just to do your homework.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Chinese School

So today is Sunday. You know what that means. 
I got this feeling about Chinese school, i don't hate it, butI don't love it either. This is my first year doing two classes.

First I got art class. I already know the teacher because she teaches the classes I take after school. Then, I got Chinese yoyo, and I also already know the teacher because she's my moms friends daughter. Her name is Amy and I'm the oldest in the class.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Stuff That's Goin' On

Finally, it's the weekend!! I have been waiting for this day to come since Monday!!!!

So currently, our basement's fire alarm is broken, and it keeps making these obnoxious squeaking noises I just can't stand! But believe it or not, here I am, blogging IN THE BASEMENT.

Like 2 days ago, I had a private ballet lesson with my ballet teacher, and her baby son just ran in.
I found a plastic sausage, and just told him,"here baby, play with your sausage." Well, what happened was he thought it was it was a real sausage and started chewing on it. And I was like,"well at least his teeth are getting stronger."

I'm a safety! At our school, each fifth grader gets the opportunity to become a safety guard and guard the hallways and sidewalks during drop-off and pick-up. I'm a fall safety, so I get my turn being a safety during the fall. I wish I could do it all year though.

Conan the dog is coming TONIGHT, and I M SUPER HYPED ABOUT IT.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Timing of the Week

So, I just got back from school, and I just had a thought.
Usually, Monday and Tuesday go by all sluggish.(which they have.) But for some reason, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are also going by extremely slow. I wonder why. Maybe  it's just because so many good things have been planned for the weekend so that the week just drags on. But if I have something un-fun planned for the weekend, or just don't have anything in general, the second half of the week just zips by without you even realizing it.

Also, guess what? I'm on Google! Somebody Posted a pic of me doing ballet on Google!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

School and Weekends

It's weird… my teacher never really talks to me in class, but for some reason, at the beginning or end of each day, we always have these random conversations. Like today, he was talking about my Abercrombie and Fitch t-shirt. And candy (Mike and Ike).

Goody news!! The dog I have been complaining about for such a long time, is coming over for the weekend! Now I won't have to just look at those cute pictures of him to help me convince my mom to get a dog of our own.

Also, my friends birthday party is coming up, and I was invited! Apparently, another one of my friends is going too, but she isn't friends or enemies of the girl who's hosting the party, so when I asked her about it, She was just like, "yeah, I dunno." We're all going ice skating ( I've ice skated before) and it's this Saturday. That's two good things to look forward to for the weekend.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Just an Update

Just got back from dance class, and surprisingly enough, today we had a jazz class with some teacher named Jennifer. Lots of very difficult moves that I did no understand at all.

I was also trying to call my mom to pick me up, and I dialed the wrong number. Some guy named "Rich" answered, and that, turned out pretty embarrassing.

Not a lot to blog about these days… I'm always trying to go to sleep at 9, but there is SO much homework the fifth grade teachers give out, and I also have a lot of after school activities, so yeah, that fits in pretty well.

Sunday, September 7, 2014


So I just got back from a class that taught something called the chinese yoyo. Maybe you've heard of it. It looks hard, but once you get the hang of it, it doesn't seem so scary.

So, my brothers and I started this like, mini club thing, and when I got back from my class, he said we would do stuff in our club room. Of course, when I arrive in our basement, I find him doing nothing other than playing Minecraft. A disgrace. Sigh. But like, what can you do about it? Once a guy is playing a video game, there's no getting him away from it, unless you find a better video game for him.

I feel terrible. This morning, I accidentally stepped on my cat's paw. Oops, and ouch. So, since I can't actually say sorry to her, I petted her, and played with her until she purred and seemed ready to forgive me. I can't blame her. I must've stepped on it hard!

I wish it was still Sat. I miss feeling the happiness of knowing I still have a day of the weekend to enjoy. Now it's Sun. and I have to work, work, work until Fri. comes again. It seems so looooooooooong!

Another picture of my cat!

Loves it!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

How the day goes

So, pretty normal day today. We have some rain, who cares?

My brother is currently having some cello lessons. His teacher comes to us, instead of just meeting him at the school. I don't know why, but I guess it does seem more convenient. Whatever.

So, recently, my teacher asked me to write a personal narrative, using only 2 sheets of paper, and 45 minutes. And honestly, I am pretty proud of how it turned out. I finished and when i looked over it, i thought it looked like a professional sloppy copy. So, yeah, that went well.

Lately, I've been drinking coffee… is it bad for me? I mean, I am only ten and all, but I only drink it to give me the energy for the day, if I'm feeling pretty lousy. And it doesn't even have a lot of caffeine. At least I think so.


Wednesday, September 3, 2014


School has started.

My ballet classes have started up too, and so have my piano lessons.
School is okay, i can get up early enough in time for the school bus, I've got friends etc.

Ive got a cool teacher, homework isn't too bad. So I guess so far life has been going pretty good, except for the fact that sometimes i not really want to go to ballet so i can stay home and work on homework.
I also hate math.

Monday, September 1, 2014

A sober farewell

Bye dog…

A Miserable Day Indeed

Today is a miserable day.

For one, the dog is going back home.

For two, school starts tomorrow.

For three… ahh, who cares about three?

I learned that if I go to sleep at ten, (P.M. of course) I should be able to get up in time for school. Yes, i still am finishing my elementary school. But i'm going into fifth grade, which means next year i will be in middle school. Yaaaaay. I will have to get up at 6:30… seems SO early compared to my usual 7:30.

My dad right now is  struggling to hold the dog properly. Cant blame him. After all he is leaving, so everyone wants to have a little quality time with him. Except Tyler. Stupid Tyler.

The weather seems to be the only thing happy here.

Saying Goodbyes

The dog we're dog  sitting is going away today  :(((  Oh the fun times we had together. It's going to be hard to say goodbye to him.

My mom thought that we turned out to be pretty good caretakers so she said we might be able to get a dog of our own. We just don't know when. She likes to put things off until the last minute.

GOODBYE, CONAN!!!!!!!!:((


Does anybody have any insider info about the Havanese dog???!

The Dog

Lately, I've been trying to convince my mom to get a dog. She always says yes, but she's one of those moms who says that they're going to do something, but never get around to doing it. Or, she'll just put it off until two months later or something.

And yes I do notice that my profile photo is a cat, and it may seem like i am either a cat person or we own a cat, she is only a stray cat. We sorta adopted her and she hasn't left the house since. She lies outside, so I'm hoping it won't cause too much of a problem.