Sunday, October 19, 2014

False Fires

On Friday, the weirdest thing happened. The fire alarm just went off for some reason, and nobody knew why. We all thought it was just another drill that the teachers never say to our face. (they do that.)
So we all lined up and went outside, but our sub teacher just happened to have NO idea how to do this fire drill, so we were all just basically fending ourselves. 

So anyway, Sami, a girl in my math class, heard some kids whispering to their teachers, "is it real?" and Sami's all like, of course its not real! There are no firetrucks here, why should it be real?
Then the principle told us to evacuate to higher grounds. This was normal, because the teachers were trying to experiment with a new fire drill location. Honestly, I think that the parking lot is fine!

What happened, was a soon as we got up onto"higher grounds", we heard sirens.
Then the sirens got louder, and Louder, and LOUDER…
Then a big yellow fire truck comes into the parking lot and all these firemen come rushing out of it!!


Meanwhile, Sami and I are just whispering, ( very quietly ) about how cool and terrifying this is. Krystal, another girl in my class, keeps on turning and saying SHHHHHHH! to our faces! Who does that anymore? WHO?

So the firemen go inside to search the building, then as soon as they are done, they give the principle a big announcement about cooperation and "Have a nice Day". Like we all haven't heard it.
Then the principle starts lecturing us about how this is why we have drills, and that we should take them VERY seriously. Oooookaaaay. We get it dude. THen he says that there was no fire, and that it was just a bad fire alarm gone off for NO PARTICULAR REASON. 

Well, that was a waste of time.

Then we are dismissed, and then we go back and MATH IS DONE!!! Hooray!!!
Then we made the mistake of telling the teacher that we had to go back outside again to have recess and she was all like, "We just went outside, just to go right BACK outside?" And we were all like, "Yeah. I guess."


Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sunday Again.

I'm sitting in my mom's bed, my hair is messy, I'm wearing sweatpants, and I'm still sleepy.
This is how I should wake up every Sunday morning. I always like to live my weekends to the fullest, so I always spend Sat. nights in front of the TV, with a bag of chips, a blanket, and the remote only a few inches away.
Last night, I was watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. God dang it, now I want to watch all the movies. It's just a shame I didn't get to see the Dursleys in action. I stayed up until like, 11:10.

And yet, out of habit, I woke up at 7:14. Too early for a Sunday!
My mom says I look like a dementor in this robe. What do you think?

Maybe not a dementor, but demented? Maybe.

So anyway, got 2 go 2 chinese school again. Why did I even sign up? I hate going out on a Sunday. No, I'd rather stay home and play Minecraft. 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Saturday news.

Ahhhh, Saturday. The very best day next to Friday. I must get to ballet today, although I only need to go from 12:00 to like, 1:30. But every good thing is followed by a bad thing, and a bad thing is just what I got. Now I have to go on Monday, and if I don't, my teacher thinks I might fall behind.
So now, I go on Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,and Saturday. That's five days with four days in a row. But the good thing is, now my mom won't give me that lecture about not going at least four days a week, "like everybody else is." Sigh.

I suppose it's not too bad. I've got a big S.S project due on Monday, and another one due in three weeks. I'm just lucky that I didn't land with the other teacher. Apparently, he gives more homework than my teacher. But, that seems quite impossible now, since that other teacher moved to the high school or something, and is replaced by this woman named Mrs.Mariani. I don't think she gives out too much homework either. She's also constantly poking her head in and asking about the Smart board. That Smart board just isn't smart I guess. She seems like a nice teacher.

We went to the Full House Buffet last night, and I just ate too much. I was really hungry, and I didn't wait long enough to get my dessert. Or I just too many sweets.
My neighbor is my brothers friend, and he wanted to prank call me to tell me that my two brothers were arrested. My mom thought that was just, SICK!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, I guess that's all right now. Maybe I'll remember to blog tomorrow. Or not. LOL, Jk, :P :D.

Rainy day. Loves it. :)